目的 探討甲型H1N1流感不同臨床類型及不同階段C反應蛋白(CRP)動態(tài)變化特征。 方法 回顧性分析2009年5月10日-2010年1月18日實驗室確診的271例甲型H1N1流感住院患者不同臨床類型、疾病不同階段CRP動態(tài)變化情況。 結果 甲型H1N1流感患者感染初期CRP較正常升高,且升高程度隨著病情的加重而更明顯;CRP在治療第3天即明顯下降或接近正常,其動態(tài)改變在不同疾病嚴重程度組間無明顯差異;有臟器功能損害者CRP較無臟器功能損害者明顯升高;多個臟器損害CRP較單一臟器損害組明顯升高。 結論 甲型H1N1流感CRP升高程度可間接反映其疾病嚴重程度和臟器功能損害多少。
【摘要】 目的 了解北京地區(qū)400例新型甲型H1N1流感患者的流行病學和臨床特征,總結規(guī)律,進一步指導臨床診治。 方法 2009年5-12月期間,收治400例甲型H1N1流感確診病例,主要采用描述性流行病學方法對患者資料進行回顧性分析,并運用單因素方差分析的方法對結果進行檢驗?!〗Y果 患者以青年和兒童人群為主,47.0%的患者有明確甲型H1N1流感接觸史,主要癥狀包括發(fā)熱(98.8%)、咳嗽(85.8%)、咽痛(58.5%)。咽部充血(94.0%)和扁桃體腫大(49.5%)為主要體征。外周血白細胞正常或偏低,349例(82.3%)患者血清鐵降低,268例(72.6%)患者C反應蛋白升高。在發(fā)病后不同時間內給予奧司他韋治療的患者發(fā)熱持續(xù)時間和咽拭子的陰轉時間有顯著差異(Plt;0.001)?!〗Y論 新型甲型H1N1流感發(fā)病多以青年和兒童人群為主,以流感樣癥狀為主,多數癥狀輕微,預后良好,C反應蛋白和血清鐵的變化可能對于早期診斷有指導價值,奧司他韋早期抗病毒治療可以縮短病程。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in Beijing. Methods The epidemiological information and clinical characteristics of 400 patients with pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection hospitalized in Beijing 302 Hospital from May to December, 2009 were analyzed retrospectively by descriptive epidemiology. One-way ANOVA was used to assess the results. Results H1N1 virus infection preferentially affected adolescents and young adults. The mean age of the patients was 23 years. A total of 189 (47.0%) of the patients had an identifiable epidemiologic link to another confirmed patient. The most common symptoms were fever (98.8%), cough (85.8%) and sore throat (58.5%). The main physical signs were pharyngeal portion congestion (94.0%) and antiadoncus (49.5%). The number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood was normal or low. The decreased serum iron and elevated C-reaction protein were found in 82.3% and 72.6% of the patients. There was significant difference in the duration of fever and viral shedding from throat swabs among the patients who accept the antiviral medication within the different time. Conclusion H1N1 virus infection preferentially affects adolescents and young adults, and presents with influenza-like illness. The clinical course of H1N1 virus infection is generally mild. The change of C-reaction protein and serum iron may be favorable for the diagnosis of H1N1. Early antiviral treatment may shorten the duration of fever and viral shedding.
2009 年11 月13 日, 重慶市中青年呼吸醫(yī)師沙龍舉行“重癥甲流救治策略探討”專題討論會。會議由重慶醫(yī)科大學附屬第一醫(yī)院呼吸內科郭述良教授、重慶醫(yī)科大學附屬第一醫(yī)院呼吸科王璞副教授和第三軍醫(yī)大學新橋醫(yī)院呼吸科李琦副教授共同主持, 全市60 余位呼吸、感染、重癥監(jiān)護、公共衛(wèi)生救治、疾病控制、血液及兒科等專業(yè)中青年學科主任及醫(yī)學專家參會, 特邀重慶市甲型H1N1 流感防控專家組組長、重慶醫(yī)科大學附屬第一醫(yī)院呼吸內科吳亞梅教授參會指導。會議就重癥甲流患者救治工作中“無創(chuàng)與有創(chuàng)機械通氣的指征與策略、激素的使用、液體管理與營養(yǎng)支持、重要臟器的保護、彌散性血管內凝血( DIC) 的預防與處理、抗感染藥物的應用時機、隔離的解除”等10 余個議題展開了激烈的討論并達成部分共識。
【摘要】 目的 了解重癥甲型H1N1流感的臨床特點,總結其治療及護理方法?!》椒ā』仡櫺苑治?009年11月-2010年2月期間收治的20例1.6~10.2歲重癥甲型H1N1流感患兒的臨床資料、臨床規(guī)律及特點?!〗Y果 20例重癥甲型H1N1流感中5例為危重型患兒,均予口服奧司他韋及對癥支持治療,其中19例患兒治愈出院,1例患兒合并左下肺膿腫轉外科接受手術治療?!〗Y論 重癥甲型H1N1流感起病急,進展快,早診斷、早期積極合理治療,總體預后較好。
目的 探討妊娠期甲型H1N1流感的臨床特點。 方法 對烏魯木齊市婦幼保健院2009年11月-2010年1月收治的妊娠期甲型H1N1流感臨床資料進行回顧性分析。 結果 同期住院非甲流孕產婦1 856例,確診甲型H1N1流感52例,發(fā)病率2.7%。妊娠期甲型H1N1流感的發(fā)熱時限及不同孕期與病程時限均無相關關系。使用磷酸奧司他韋(達菲)治療23例,較未使用此藥物患者病程顯著縮短[(4.79±2.04) d比(7.26±3.77) d,Plt;0.05]。合并肺炎6例,病程較無合并癥患者顯著延長[(9.83±4.70) d比(5.37±2.54) d,Plt;0.05]。 結論 妊娠期甲型H1N1流感應予以高度重視,在早預防、早診斷及早治療的基礎上,提早預防合并癥的發(fā)生。明確診斷后及早使用磷酸奧司他韋可縮短療程。
目的 觀察甲型H1N1流感患者的各臟器病理改變和并發(fā)癥,為甲型H1N1流感早期防治提供依據。 方法 對1例確診甲型H1N1流感死亡的患者病例資料進行分析,進一步尸體解剖檢驗進行病理學觀察。 結果 患者有扁桃體炎、肺部感染、嚴重肺出血、肺水腫的病理改變;腦水腫嚴重、小腦扁桃體疝形成并有輕度腦炎的改變;肝臟有輕度肝炎改變,胃腸道黏膜觀察到少許炎細胞浸潤。 結論 甲型H1N1流感重癥患者的早期治療中,除抗病毒治療,兒童或青少年患者,還應該重視肺部感染、腦炎、腦水腫的早期診斷和治療。
【摘要】 目的 總結甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎患者的胸部X線和CT表現特征。 方法 回顧分析2009年3月-11月3例經臨床表現及病原學檢查證實的甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的胸部X線、CT表現。 結果 肺部病灶多呈散在小片狀高密度影,邊緣模糊,鄰近胸膜;病變最常累及肺基底段;病灶多有少量胸腔積液;病灶有擴散迅速,合理用藥后消失較快的特點;病灶吸收落后于臨床表現。 結論 甲型H1N1流感病毒性肺炎的X線、CT表現具有一定的特點,總結并掌握這些特點,有利于早期診斷。其確診有賴于實驗室檢查和流行病學調查。【Abstract】Objective To explore the chest X-ray, CT manifestations of pneumonia of patients with influenza virus A/H1N1 infection. Methods The pulmonary X-ray and CT findings of 3 patients who were confirmed by laboratory results and epidemiology with infection of influenza virus A/H1N1 were retrospectively analyzed between March 2009 to November 2009. Results Both sides of the lung field showed many small cloudy infiltration in chest X-ray and CT film. The lesions of the lung were mostly near the pleural. They were often found in basal segment. Pleural effusion may be observed. Radiology dynamic changes showed the diffusion of the lesions of the lung was quick in a short time, and scattered and disappeared quickly after rational use of drugs. The lesions vanished later than clinical disappearance. The lesions of the lung may appear fibrosis at the period of the end. Conclusion Some radiographic characteristics exist in the pneumonia of patients with influenza virus A/H1N1 infection. It will be helpful for early diagnosis when getting familiar with its X-ray and CT manifestations, but the final diagnosis depends on the laboratory results and epidemiological history.